I’m happy to report that the painting for the Lawrence Beer Company was completed today! This painting has been a joy to work on, on multiple levels.
First, has been great to work the owners of the Lawrence Beer Company. These guys have a passion for beer, food, art and culture. The building that they are working on is full of character and has so much potential for a brewery. I can’t wait to see the finished space.
Second, doing research for this project has been very inspiring. I’ve come to befriend two storm chasers, Jeremy Holmes and Sean Ramsey. These photographers each have INCREDIBLE portfolios. Their work is a reminder that Kansas is filled with incredible beauty– sometimes you just have to hit the road to go find it!
Third, I love painting on large surfaces. The bigger the canvas, the more exciting the painting! In some mysterious way, I think more of the energy of the painting is captured when I can move around. I also enjoy using large brushes and lots of paint. Sometimes small paintings can me feel a bit tight as a painter.
The next step is getting this painting photographed. I’m hoping to offer this in a variety of different print sizes after it is edited. Please visit my website to see more of my commissioned work and available art! Keep me posted if you have any questions about murals or ways to commission more of my art.